I have become a night stalker. Since my surgery I feel like I have laid around and eaten anything. I feel like I sitting all day and can almost feel myself growing weaker. It really in a disturbing feeling. However, I finally visited the doctor and received approval to begin walking. What a great moment. The only thing is, I only walk at night. I almost always run at night. It is cooler and I have had time to wrap up work and spend some time with the kids. Once they are down, my routine is to download some podcasts to the iPod and head out the door.

The problem I have now is that I feel like a stalker wandering my streets. Unlike a month ago, it is now pitch dark when I head out the door after 9pm. And instead of wearing running attire and running through the streets, I now walk out in whatever I'm wearing and slowly meander. Before I used to see someone in their driveway late at night and they would notice me jogging and wave and think nothing of it. Now, people see this creepy guy just walking around their neighborhood at 10pm and they stop and stare and then look back a dozen times on their way into the house. There is no wave. Last night a lady was sitting on her front porch talking on the phone. I saw and heard her long before she saw or heard me. When she did see me, she kind of freaked and started grabbing her items frantically and quickly headed to the door stopping to take one last look at me to see if I was approaching her. Weird how running late is acceptable and not alarming, but a single man walking the streets after dark is troubling.
Anyways, I'm feeling a lot better. I really enjoy walking as it finally gives me something to do. The best part is I have been able to continue the weight loss despite being so laid up. What a relief to think I'm not adding.

The problem I have now is that I feel like a stalker wandering my streets. Unlike a month ago, it is now pitch dark when I head out the door after 9pm. And instead of wearing running attire and running through the streets, I now walk out in whatever I'm wearing and slowly meander. Before I used to see someone in their driveway late at night and they would notice me jogging and wave and think nothing of it. Now, people see this creepy guy just walking around their neighborhood at 10pm and they stop and stare and then look back a dozen times on their way into the house. There is no wave. Last night a lady was sitting on her front porch talking on the phone. I saw and heard her long before she saw or heard me. When she did see me, she kind of freaked and started grabbing her items frantically and quickly headed to the door stopping to take one last look at me to see if I was approaching her. Weird how running late is acceptable and not alarming, but a single man walking the streets after dark is troubling.
Anyways, I'm feeling a lot better. I really enjoy walking as it finally gives me something to do. The best part is I have been able to continue the weight loss despite being so laid up. What a relief to think I'm not adding.