September 2nd

The last time I posted--I had mentioned that I was being flown to Orlando in November to be recognized for some accomplishments at work. I was excited about event and was using it as a mini-goal to prepare for. Well since this post, I have had a set back.
Let me preface the post by stating that nearly a year ago I suffered my first hernia. It was located on my navel, and I visited the doctor to get his take on it. His thoughts were to leave it alone. Basically, if it isn't bothering me, why incur the risk of surgery. I have debated to having the surgery anyways as I hate the fact that I lost my belly button and instead had a plug sticking out!
I have thought about getting the surgery a lot this summer as each time I go to the beach or water park--I have this less than manly image from my stomach! Fast forward to last week. I got up and played basketball like every Tuesday. That afternoon I went for a brief three mile run. I noticed that my hernia was acting really irritated and was started to turn red and protrude out. I could feel it (which was unusual). I slept on it and didn't worry about it. The next day it was protruding more and acting more irritated. I noticed Wednesday when I looked down at my navel that I was bleeding! It was honestly one of the sickest things I had every seen. It didn't hurt bad so I called the doctor and told him I would be in the next day.
The following day I dropped by the doctor's office hoping to schedule a time to get this thing fixed. When my doctor saw that it was bleeding--he freaked out and explained that it was incarcerated and very serious! He went into panic mode and ran out of the office to call a surgeon. On the phone I could hear him stating that this had to be fixed in the next couple of hours or else I ran the risk of getting my entire stomach infected.
Next thing I know I'm heading to the surgeon's and he has the same reaction as my doctor. They schedule me for emergency surgery and he tells me to go home and have my wife bring me back to the hospital. Later that day, knocked out and having surgery.
The surgery was Thursday and today it is Tuesday. I have spent the long weekend recovering and laying around. My weight on Thursday morning was 247.4 and today I weighed in at 252.6. Needless to say I'm frustrated. I felt like I was doing so well on my training and eating. Now I feel de-railed. Today is my first day back at work and I'm trying to get back into an eating routine. I am going to have to eat better than ever as I can't rely on burning an extra 1000 cals each day. The doctor tells me because he couldn't reinforce the wound with mesh (due to the blood)--I will be laid up from 4-6 weeks.
Quite the setback--but it is time to focus and see what I can't do during these four to six weeks of downtime.